Tuesday, September 16, 2008

And many more...

In celebration of Mexican Independence Day (I mean my B-day) my mom and I took the boys to Disneyland to renew my pass (Thanks Mom and Dad!) Well as far as B-days go, this one wasnt so great. It started 20 minutes into my B-day at 12:20AM when Zach woke up (teething) and didnt go back to sleep until 3AM! Then when we all got up in the morning to go, Nate had a major fit cuz I put his cottage cheese and applesauce in the cottage cheese container instead of a purple bowl and that just ruined his whole morning, everything was a struggle after that. Then we got to the park and even thou it was supposed to be 85 it felt like 105! I could feel the sweat drip down the middle of my back and it was only 10:30! Then at lunch time both boys refused to eat lunch and just wanted to climb all over the booths.
The whole day wasnt bad, we did have fun at Disneyland, especially when we went over to the puddle park, I got a dozen free tortillas from the tortilla factory for my B-day, Ryan got me some pretty sunflowers and took me on a date to BJ's and I get to get to go back to Disneyland for another year (minus select dates of course) And if you remember what last year's pass looked like http://lanecrew.blogspot.com/2007/09/castup-ketchup-catch-up.html, you can see that this year it turned out much better.
But alas, the day ended with me and Nate both at the beginning stages of a cold. Can I call in sick to mommy-work tomorrow and stay in bed? :)


Aaron, Allison, Kaitlyn, Mackenzie and Owen said...

So sorry your birthday wasn't as great as you had anticipated, but I hope the brownies put a smile on your face. :-) You didn't say how the date went, but I asume it was wonderful!

Jessica said...

Ahhh, I missed it! I had it marked on my calendar too. Well happy late birthday anyway!

Matt, Becky, Eric, Ryan, and Kelly said...

Ahhh, I just put two and two together - Matt just went to Sacramento Mon and Tues and there was a big huge Mexican rally. Mexican flags all over the capital building - crazy stuff. Anyway, back to your birthday . . . Sorry it wasn't perfect but - Happy Belated B-day! At least you got a date out of it, lucky girl :).

Unknown said...

WooHoo! Happy Birthday. My birthday is this month too! Go September!