Monday, September 01, 2008

Guasti? That place is still around?

One of Nate's old teachers mentioned that she had taken her son to Guasti this summer as an inexpensive, fun place. I was like "Yuck!" Then I looked it up a bit and found out they added some cool stuff so we went to check it out today.
This is the new big playground and water play area. You pay by the carload to get into the park but this area is free once you're in (the pool/waterslide area had an additional charge)
The boys had alot of fun. We went on a holiday so it was a little crowded but not bad, I'd like to see what it's like on a weekday (who's with me? MOPS event?)
Nate really liked the water squirters and the playground.

One bad part about Guasti... this is the sign that greeted us as we walked in:

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