Monday, September 11, 2006

Today I took Nate to get his pictures taken. I wanted to get a good shot of him in his suit from Joel's wedding before he totally grew out of it. I think his pictures came out great, especially since he fussed or cried between every shot - but we had a good photographer who was willing to be extra silly with him, I hate it when they make me do all the work. I'm willing to put as much effort as I can into getting those smiles but I appreciate the professional help. Here's another one with the sucker we got at the party, he loved the sucker but he kept licking it with his whole face and coming up with a green nose. Here's the whole session if anyone wants to see the not-so-great shots and funny faces: my password is "nathan"
At the Gardens they had a special 9/11 tribute going on, there was 30 tons of wreckage and a messed up fire engine recovered from the World Trade Center debris. There were lots of local fire and police guys there taking pictures and talking to everyone. Here's Ry and N8 in front of the fire engine.


Jessica said...

Bond... Nate Bond.

I wish I knew that 9/11 wreckage/memorial was going to be there. That would have been interesting to take the boys to.

Stef said...


Anonymous said...

I want the first picture of Nate. He looks so CUTE.

Grandma Lane