Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I'm going, going, back, back, to Cali, Cali

Even thou it's spring break and I knew it would be crowded, I took the boys to California Adventure on Tuesday. Once we made it thru the parking garage, it wasn't bad at all. It was a perfect day, warm enough to wanna get wet but not hot enough to kill you in line.
This is what happens when you are holding chocolate milk and your little brother ventures too close to the fountain and you try to warn him by erratically jumping up and down and hollering at him.

Look there's me! Nate is really into taking pictures with the camera so now I actually appear in photos because it's not like my husband ever grabs the camera!

We did a few Bug's Land rides but mainly we went to the 3 water play areas and the boys played and I got to just sit - it was awesome!

How come the biggest smiles come when they are trying to get mommy wet?It was tough trying to get a good shot of Zach

so I tried the underneath approach - didn't work!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I was so going to use this title for my coming back to Cali post! =)