Friday, March 06, 2009

Clean teeth - no cavities!

Friday was Nate's 2nd dentist trip. He was awesome again!
Everyone that checked him kept telling me that he was one of the best patients they'd had.
Here he is doing his favorite thing: the suction straw.
He was so good they gave him a lifetime supply of toothpaste.
Just kidding, it's an inflatable!


Nicole Leonard said...

LOL! I love that giant toothpaste tube!
Hey - we put an offer on a house just down the street from you. Like 8 or so houses down. Two-story with the green & white striped canvas awnings. :) Hope we get it. We love the house and it would be AWESOME to be your neighbors.

Murdock23814 said...

Don't you wish they had one of those suction straws for all the extra drool? hummm That would be cool.