Friday, March 27, 2009

Chugga chugga woo woo

For Christmas my parents gave the boys these awesome coupon books for fun outings with them. We cashed in our first coupon "Take the train to LA." My poor dad actually had to drive to LA that morning for business then drove back like crazy to catch the train with us to go back again.
Nate was super excited for his first "real" train ride (Disneyland's train doesn't count) The night before we we found his conductor hat and played train with the kitchen chairs.
Shhh... don't tell anyone we stood on the track to take pictures!
On the train:
Nate spent some time chillin with some tunes.
Some of us ate a yummy lunch at Olvera Street - no photos because mommy was not in a good mood after fighting with 2 boys who refused to eat anything. Then we walked the shops and hung out in the main center snacking. listening to flutes and watching the boys play with some toys my folks got them.
Before we caught the train home, we grabbed ice cream for the trip!

It was messy!

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