Saturday, April 07, 2007

Yesterday was our first full day living in the new house.
Night 1 we got N8 to bed late at 10:30 in his new room and he slept till 6:30 then I went in and covered him up and he went back to sleep till 8:30! It was awesome. Last night he slept straight thru till 7:30. So that's been nice.
The house is a mess - everything seems to have a light dusting of sanded wall on it. (or wall "knockoff" from where Ryan overshot his protective plastic barriers) So we are just sorting thru the chaos with alot of help that we are much grateful for. You never know how much stuff you have till you try to cram your life into a trailer. Kevin Siana thinks we have more stuff then they do - yeah, we'll see when you move soon buddy!
We are still working on the kitchen re-model and painting touch ups in the boys rooms. There are still 6 boxes marked "bathroom" on the floor of our bathroom and many other boxes strewn throughout the whole place.
So I thought I'd give an update since we got our computer set up - I'll post pictures when it looks nicer :)


Jessica said...

Thanks for the Mac offer! Aaron read my post and finally fixed (sorta) the connection, I am holding out for the laptop though = )

Let me know if you want to hang out sometime this week! I keep meaning to pick up the phone and call, but with so much going on, I have been terrible about keeping connected with my homies. Miss you!

Megan said...

Yeah! You are in your new home!
Just think, those brown cardboard things all over are your "thorns" but someone else's treasure! He he.
When can I come by and pick up them boxes??? :) If our junk exceeds your boxes, Kevin can eat his words!!! We've been married one less year so hopefully that's my saving grace! :) :)