Sunday, April 08, 2007

Hop hop hop

Some Easter images for your enjoyment. Nate's favorite thing from his Easter basket was this 88 cent recorder.
Nate lovin himself some corn on the cob.

Nate's Phares cousins (it was a popular Easter for striped polos) and Nate's Lane cousins.


The Corbett's said...

Jake got an 88 cent recorder too!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ryan! It's your cousin, Amy. Pam told me you commented on her blog and that you had one of your own. I had to see if it was true. You guys look great! A can't believe how big Nate is now! The last pictures I saw of him, he was just a tiny baby! And oh my goodness! I can't believe Tricia's kids can possibly be that old by now! Has it really been that long since I've seen all of you? I guess it has. Sad! I'm glad to know you have a blog, though. Maybe now I can keep up with what's going on over there.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane. I'm Ryan's cousin in Florida who you've never met. He commented on my blog and told me you guys have a blog, too. How fun is that! I read a bunch of your posts to get caught up on your family. First, love your new house. Second, Nate's freakin' cute. Third, good choice of names for your second son (our third is named Zach, too.) :)

I moved into a new house 4 months ago and had Zach 3 days later so I can identify with what you've been going through. Hang in there and I hope that Zach is a great sleeper from the beginning. :)