Friday, February 02, 2007

Mouse House

Ryan earned half a day off work thru his bonuses so we decided to take Nate the big boy to Disneyland - if you haven't heard Nate took a step towards big boy this last week and has given up on a pacifier outside of his bed (not by choice) and we actually even stopped turning on the monitor on him at night - next stop: big boy bed! N8 is growing up so much lately and seems so much more aware of what's going on and interacting with the world as a little boy. It was such a fun day at the park. The weather was good, the lines were short, the Jedi Training show started right as we were in the area and let out just in time for our fast passes to start at Buzz Lightyear. We also discovered that N8 is now tall enough to ride the Matterhorn! We couldn't believe it! He's actually 2-3 inches taller than the mark which means he could have gone on the Matterhorn last month as a one year old! Unfortunately that line was way too long so maybe next time he can go with daddy. We also discovered a good way to get big smiles out of N8 for pictures - by pretending to hit ourselves on the head. Its not the most glamorous thing to do to yourself but look at those big toothy smiles! Hey, whatever works right?


Carrie said...

So good to see you back in the Land-o-Blog! What's not to love about a big boy day at Disneyland? And I'm all about anything that brings forth the big grins!

Nicole Leonard said...

I usually make a turkey-gobble-type noise to get Kaitlyn smiling big. It's true that grown adults will make themselves look like complete idiots around babies and toddlers just to get a good picture. :)

That was a long stretch there without a new post... I was started to get worried. ;)