Sunday, January 14, 2007

Holy Moley!

A very strange thing happened when I opened up the mail on Friday, 2 Hundred dollar bills fell out of this envelope! There was no note, just a blank piece of paper and no return address on the envelope.
This kind of thing never happens to us so we were totally stunned!
I tried every CSI trick I know looking for any writing imprints in the paper or envelope even smelling the saliva on the seal :( - but there's nothing so we have no idea who sent it.
Well if whoever sent it happens to be reading our blog - Thank you very much, we totally appreciate the kindness and the surprise! We will be using the money to get a new car seat for Nathan, even thou he is still within the weight and height for his current one, the straps are too tight on him. If he's wearing a sweatshirt we have to take it off and we can barely get his arms thru the straps. So thanks again!


Anonymous said...

What a HUGE blessing! I love it when things like that happen! That is super cool!

Nicole Leonard said...


Megan said...


The Corbett's said...

I love money in the mail!!!!!!! :)