Friday, February 22, 2008

Mr. T says, "Be cool, stay in school!"

Wednesday was Nate's first day of school at the Frost Early Education Center. I took a picture of him in front of the house cuz that's what my mom did for us every year. It was weird just leaving him but he was a breeze to drop off and he was excited to go. There were only 3 other kids in his class (with 3 teachers) They learned about going to the dentist so that's convenient since he's going next week and 1 of the other moms recognized me (well recognized me as in "Hey, you're Jen's sister.") but it's still cool to have a connection with another mom. So did they decide to keep him??? Well not yet, they asked us to come back next week but we still are not enrolled yet.


Reynolds Family said...

Yeah, Nate! Now you only have to go for the next 15-20 years!

Carrie said...

What a big boy!