Tuesday, September 18, 2007

He knows my name

Nate frequently likes to make animal versions of our family, usually of elephants. The other night he got out 2 big elephants and 1 small one and told us that the small one was Nate so I said "Where's Zach?" and he ran to find an even smaller elephant. Then I said "Who's this?" pointing to a big elephant expecting to hear him say "Ma-ee" or "Da-ee" but instead he said "Dane!" I looked at Ryan and said "Did he just say my name?" (Nate hasnt yet mastered J sounds among others) Then Nate pointed to the biggest elephant and said "Eye-an!" We couldnt believe he knew our real names (our cover is blown :) ) But it was weird cuz we never told him to call us those names, he just picked them up. Weird.

1 comment:

The Corbett's said...

Jake has started calling us Mommy Jenn and Daddy Doug :)