Friday, September 28, 2007

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Charly 10/5/90 - 9/18/07

I heard about Charly before I met her. People at Flipside were saying she was a "Mini-Me" (Austin Powers was out at the time) Then one night there she was, a beautiful little girl with long brown hair.
I loved having a Mini-Me, she was so cute, 1 night we actually both showed up to church wearing hot pink plastic pants! What are the odds? Of course I had to capture the moment on film:Charly even played "me" in a Flipside video, they were talking about how the kids at Flipside were the next generation to lead it and she jumped up on the stage to give the announcements in an imitation of me. :)
My favorite Charly memory was 1 time when me and Kevin drove out to LA to see Char at the Children's Hospital. We figured the best way to cheer her up was to make fools of ourselves. So in the elevator going up, we quickly put on SPACEMAN SUITS! Charly looked at us like: What is wrong with you? But then she thought it was funny. Of course I DID NOT capture this moment on film - no way. The funny part is the nurses there really didn't look at 2 lost spacemen roaming the halls as weird :)
Charly was a special girl, I'm glad I had the opportunity to meet her. Rip it up in Heaven Charly!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

He knows my name

Nate frequently likes to make animal versions of our family, usually of elephants. The other night he got out 2 big elephants and 1 small one and told us that the small one was Nate so I said "Where's Zach?" and he ran to find an even smaller elephant. Then I said "Who's this?" pointing to a big elephant expecting to hear him say "Ma-ee" or "Da-ee" but instead he said "Dane!" I looked at Ryan and said "Did he just say my name?" (Nate hasnt yet mastered J sounds among others) Then Nate pointed to the biggest elephant and said "Eye-an!" We couldnt believe he knew our real names (our cover is blown :) ) But it was weird cuz we never told him to call us those names, he just picked them up. Weird.

4 month check up

Here is Zach at his check up. He was 16 pounds, 10 ounces (hard to believe N8 was so much bigger: 18lbs!) and measured 25.5 inches.

Once again he was super happy until the nurse came and jabbed him with 3 needles. Then he screamed till he had the hiccups. Zach dosent even like the oral medications - he made such funny faces even the nurse was wishing it was on video tape. And once again (again) he fevered for 2 days after the shots. :(

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Castup, Ketchup & Catch Up

So here's a few things that happened while the computer was down.
Disneyland: We did a half day at the park cuz Ryan had Friday off and didn't
have to wake up early. Nate took his first ride on the Matterhorn. He was big enough to go on when he was only 1 year old. But this was the first chance when the line wasn't a mile long and there was a non-pregnant person to take him. Ryan said he wasn't scared of the monster (or Big Red Eyes as
he calls it) but he said he didn't like the jerky-ness of the end of the ride and asked to get off when it was almost over. We had to renew our passes and I took the worst pass photo I've ever had. It looks like I'm making a scary face and have a tooth missing or a huge gap in my teeth. Here's our Buzz photo. I never know where the camera is but I always try to pose and smile towards the lights. I guess it's not the light on the right. I'll have to try again next time.
LA County Fair:

It cost 5 times as much to park as it did to get in but the roasted corn made it all worth it. :) Nate got to see lots of animals and touched a giant pig (thru the fence) Ryan really wanted a picture of this cow which ginormous horns.

Here's Nate and Ryan on the big slide

The fair was hot so we stopped off at Nana's to go in the pool and Zach went in a pool for the first time - usually he is sleeping or it's too hot or cold out. He liked it. I thought he'd kick alot since that's what he does in the tub but he just hung out.

"Zachy boy" found his toes. A momentous occasion, especially to Auntie Jen!

One year ago I started this blog and my first real post was of Ryan's dad's B-day party. Here's a shot of Ryan's folks with the grandkids from this year's party.

I call this one Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

3, oh 3, is a magic number, yes it is...

Officially these are Zachary's 3 month portraits. Technically he is 3 and a half months here. Hopefully I'll be even closer to being on time with the 4 month portraits. :)

PS - We have a computer virus :( Boo! So if I'm slow in blogging it's because it's terrible frustrating right now. Looks like we have to save all our stuff on memory cards (and I have A LOT of stuff) and wipe the memory of the whole computer. Stay tuned - I have some blogs coming :)