Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Movin on up!

I know, I know it's been a while since my last post. Between events at church, trying to finish up invitation jobs and growing a person; I've been busy.
Our big event this week is that we said "So long" to the crib and "Hello" big boy bed. Here is Nate waking up in his crib for the very last time. Thanks to the Reynolds, we have the perfect transition bed: the cool Little Tykes twin racecar bed. I think it's perfect because I know with the high sides he has no chance or rolling out. Nate's first night in the bed he woke up crying FOUR TIMES! But night #2 he didn't wake up once. He even sat in the bed till I came and got him in the morning. Nate loves the new bed, he has already mastered climbing up the "headboard" and jumping off onto the bed.


The Corbett's said...

Ok Jane now it's official, We have to suck it up and make the change too... Great Job Nate!!!!!

Megan said...

Awesome bed!!!! What boy wouldn't want to sleep in that???

Stef said...

That is one rockin bed! He is too cool :)