Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Look what I made!

These are 2 of my favorite new things for our new house.
I always wanted to get those cool bulletin boards for Nate's room with the ribbons to tuck things behind instead of all those push pins so I made one to go in Nate's new "surf" room. It was easy and didn't take very long but I did have to pull it all apart and re-do it after the first time I got it together. It's not perfect, but it works. I'm hoping to make another one for Zach's room eventually.
I could never figure out what to do with all those 8x10 portraits we got for Nate's first year so they all ended up on one little wall of our apartment which was cluttery and made us look a little obsessed with him. But I couldn't just put them in a book and never see them. So I took all my favorites and printed them smaller and black n white for this collage frame and I love it.
I picked up a matching frame for Zach's first year portraits too.


Megan said...

Nice work Jane. Nesting I presume?

The Corbett's said...

That looks great!!!!

Stef said...

You did a great job... I love the idea of the first year frame!