Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Does Mrs. Claus stay home alone on Christmas Eve?

Life during the holidays totally blows with sick kids. Nate has been sick for a week now and as hard as we tried to prevent it... now little brother is sick too. I think I've gotten slightly depressed at the fact that they (we) are missing out on all the cool Christmas-ness of the holiday. I could make a list all the fun things I wanted us all to do that we've missed out on but the thought of typing everything out makes me sad.
This picture is our cat Pickles wearing a Mrs. Clause hat and collar that Ryan came home with from our Bible Study's White Elephant Xmas party (which I missed) The boys think it's pretty funny to see the cat dressed up. The cat doesnt think it's so funny.
We've watched too many movies this week and worn our PJs all day too many times and we were all getting major cabin fever so last night we bundled everyone up (2 jackets, thermals, gloves and hats) and took the boys to the Thoroughbred lights.
We always go early in the evening for fear of big crowds so it wasnt so bad, just alot of houses waited A LONG time to turn their lights on, and some only had a few on instead of all - weird.
The boys had fun, I think their favorite part was when we pulled them out to take pictures and there happened to be a big pile of leaves in the gutter so they started throwing them all around.
So who knows what we're gonna miss next. Nate seems to be getting much better but Zach seem to be a miserable sickie (cutting teeth at the same time dosent help.) I cant imagine Christmas Day w/o seeing our family but I really dont want to spread it around. Hopefully everyone is well enough to not miss our after Christmas vacation.


Anonymous said...

Christmas is about celebrating the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ! It's not about what we are missing out on. Think about how fortunate you are to have Jesus in your life and don't worry about all the fun stuff!

Anonymous said...

I can sympathize with you. Jeffy's first Christmas, 2 years ago, was a bummer for me. I had just had a hysterectomy on Dec. 21 and was miserable. And you can see my cath bag in all of the pictures! What a way to spend baby's first Christmas.

Just be thankful that this too shall pass. And I agree with the poster above - but I understand the disappointment!

Anonymous said...

There are many more Christmases to celebrate! At this point in the game, your kids will not even remember this Christmas. I, too, agree with the above posts. Jesus is the Reason for the Season. Don't make it about yourself.

Ryan, Jane, Nate and Zach said...

Dear Anonymous
Guess what, no one likes anonymous comments.

"Dont make it about yourself"? HELLO this is MY blog, this blog IS about me and my thoughts. Dont leave rude comments please. And dont be anonymous it's like you're hiding something.

Anonymous said...


I am the anonymous in which you are referring to. And, I am just commenting in regards to the above comments. And, if you are a Christian, then, you would know that Jesus and Christmas is about Him!


Anonymous said...

I thought that I might put my two cents in for nice anonymous commenters everywhere. First, I don't think you're any less of a Christian (as some have implied) for thinking that it sucks when your kids are sick during the Christmas season. I agree that the reason we are celebrating is the birth of Christ, and I too believe that the focus should be on that, but you have the right to be a little disappointed that you don't get to do all the fun Christmasy things with your kids. Besides, only God can judge the heart, anonymous commenters shouldn't try. Hope your boys feel better soon.

Ryan, Jane, Nate and Zach said...

First I will address “Jess” (and this will be the last time I address you, I don’t think you’re comments are nice. If you have something to say, start your own blog and say it there)
You obviously do not know me AT ALL. So I find it a little bit weird that you are reading my blog about me and my small children. And I think it’s doubly weird that you checked back to see if I had replied to your comment. And I find it super weird to think that you are checking back again to see what I’m saying now. I feel no need to defend myself or my beliefs to you.

And to all you other anonymous commenters, even the nice ones; anonymous comments are like dead comments. Even when they say nice things it cant really MEAN anything if we don’t know who it’s from. Even anonymous things like “You’re kids are so cute” comes out creepy when you don’t know who is looking at your kids. It leads me to think that there are strangers reading my blog which to me is so bizarre. I don’t read any blogs of people I don’t know (or knew at some time) albeit there are pictures of super cute kids on my blog, I cant imagine that what I have to say is very interesting to those who don’t know me. It’s not like I’m spewing funny political banter or my views on the latest hot topics and celebrity gossip. Maybe I’m missing something here.

Jessica said...


a)Jess is not me.
b)I would delete those comments.

Love you Jane!

Gina said...

Yes I would delete those comments too...that's just weird. Your friends and family and most of all Jesus knows you and you really don't have to defend yourself against others that don't.

Erin said...

Remember my stranger rude comments? It is disturbing. I don't mind the fact that strangers read my blog (because I read a few blogs by people I don't know) but the rude judgmental comments are rotten! I guess some people have really boring lives and have to live vicariously through our interesting ones. :)

Beckie said...


I agree with everyone else that the only one you are living for to please is God and we answer to Him no one else!! But there is a spot in the dashboard where you can make it so there can be no anonymous comments left on your blog, so people would have to identify themselves. :) Just a thought. :) Hope you have a great day!!

Beckie :)

Anonymous said...

It's totally understandable to be upset that Nate and Zach were sick and missing out on time with family, school parties, church events and so on. Sounds like some people are getting a little too Pharisee-y about your post. I think one can still be a Christian and be upset about missing holiday events.

Nicole Leonard said...

Ditto times a million to what Becky & Joel said. :)