Friday, July 11, 2008

Let's go camping... again!

After getting to spend 5 awesome days in Carpinteria there were so many good pictures and things to talk about I'm not even sure where to start. So 12 of us (2 Murdocks + 6 Reynolds + 4 Lanes) all ventured together to stay at 1 campsite (1 trailer + 1 tent) along with other families from Flipside (Pikes, Clairs, Burnetts, and Curriers) The accommodations were tight but we like each other so it was cool. And check out the view from our campsite:

Yep, RIGHT ON THE BEACH! Can't beat that. The weather was awesome, a cloudy cover the first day then partly coudy/sunny the rest of the week. We saw dolphins and seals in the water everyday.

Nate and Seth had so much fun playing together in the water, riding bikes and climbing trees.

Sandy faces seemed to be the thing to do for the little guys.

And big guys too. The feet picture is just for you Erin cuz you love Ryan's feet!

Bike riding was a must for all the kids there. Ryan and I thought we should count how many times we went around the lap, we never did but I think between us all it had to be a hundred or so.

One of the highlights was going out on the kayak.

See those fuzzy black specs next to the shadowy figures on the kayak? That's Ryan, Kevin and Ethan out on the kayak with dolphins swimming around them. Pretty cool eh?


Nicole Leonard said...

Looks like SO MUCH FUN!! Family vacations are awesome. :) Glad you guys had such a great time.

Erin said...

At least they have some color this time around. Nice sandal tanlines, Ryan. They aren't so pasty white anymore. :)

Murdock23814 said...

You have such an awesome FAMILY! tee-hee.
