Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sea the World

So since we have passes to Sea World, we cant be in San Diego without cruisin by. So after packing up we headed over for a few. With our passes we got free tickets to ride in their sky buckets. Nate liked it, it was cute, but I certainly would never pay money for it.
Look Zach a giant killer whale is sneaking up behind you to attack!
Oh, you don't care?
Yes, I know it is odd to commemorate a trip to the bathroom on your blog but I have to tell you how awesome these Potty Toppers are. I dont know how you mom's of girls put up with all trips to public bathrooms without a "stander". Whenever I hear those dreaded words: "Mommy I need go poopoo a potty!" I cringe at the thought of his little hands clenching the sides and underneath surface of those nasty public toilet seats. Yuck. So I highly recommend this item, it has a waterproof plastic underside that grips the seat and little sticky "panty liner" tabs in case you have squirmer. I keep them in a outer pouch on our stroller so I can grab and run (I've learned from experience that I dont want to take the time to pull them out of the storage area)


Stef said...

So where do you find the potty toppers? I want to buy some :)

Ryan, Jane, Nate and Zach said...

I got them at Babies R Us, they were 10 for $5.
Worth every penny.