Monday, October 12, 2009

She flies through the air with the greatest of ease...

Saturday was an awesome day! I got to help celebrate Jessica's 30th Birthday at Trapeze High in Escondido. I wish I took more pictures of the place cuz it was... interesting. Here's 1 I did get of Erin showing off some of the cool ambiance:
Picture alot of broken down camper shells and couches outside. But whatever, the trapeze looked safe (really what do I know though) Here's 1 of the guys who taught us what to do - he later left angry because he was super crabby, good riddance Grouchy Man!Jessica workin on her form: Nice form Erin:
"Always look at your hands!"Oh yeah, that's me way up there!And on my way down :)After a few "swing and drops" (no that's not the technical term) We learned to get our knees over the bar and reach back to grab the guy on the other barHere's Alisha gettin ready for a giant wipeout - she was tough and took the hardest falls yet she still got up and tried again!
Me and the birthday girl "Welcome to your 30's Jes, now watch everything on your body go to crap!"
This is supposed to be a shot of me and Erin and Alisha in our sweet stripy tights but apparently Courtney didn't get that message when I handed her the camera and said "Take a picture of us in our tights!"
Posin' on the practice barCheck out those cool custom embroidered shirts they say "Gettin High on Jessica's 30th" Contact Erin's mom for all your custom embroidery needs!
Here's the videos. See you get 3 chances to make the catch to the guy on the other bar. I made it the 2nd time but alas, my camera's memory card decided to become full right before I did it :( so here I am missing the catch...

But that's no fun! Here's Jessica making it!

And here's Erin makin it!

So as I sit her 3 days later; my little toe and half my right foot is purple, I have bruises on the back of both my knees, I have scabs on my knuckles from "net burns," my shoulder/armpit area is super sore and hurts whenever I lift my arms, I have to ask myself would I do it again... I think I would :)


Colleen said...

Jane - that was awesome! I am so impressed. You totally look like you knew what you were doing! What a fun way to celebrate your friend's 30th! I was not that adventurous on my 30th, now I wish I would have done something like that!

The Bridesmaids and man said...

ME TOO!! I was looking at my foot yesterday and it was BLUE!! But I think I want to go again.


Jessica said...

It was so awesome! I'm so happy that you were able to go, everything is more fun with a little Jane in the mix! Next year...scuba! Only kidding, I'm thinking of something though...

ps-your cupcakes were THE BEST. Start a shop, soon.