Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I got Tagged

My friend Stef tagged me
Here are the rules:
1. Go to where you store your pics.
2. Go to your 4th folder.
3. Go to your 4th pic.
4. Post it and tag three more people.
I tag Jen Reynolds, Becky Johnson & Mindi Houghton (at first I tagged you, Nicole, but then I saw that you did it on your own - you're silly)This is Nate and Kaylee at a puppet show at the Lewis Playhouse. Remember that show Min? Some of those puppets were free-kee!


Anonymous said...

I like the play house, but I'll have to agree that the show was a little creepy. Our kids are too cute though! -Min

Nicole Leonard said...

Yup! I'm breakin' the rules!! :)