Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Attack of the giant stockings!!!

Since last year Nate used the stocking we use to use for our cat and we knew there would be a need for a 4th stocking, I was determined to get new stockings this year.
But have you seen the ones in the store? They are tiny - like 5 inches wide! I needed more room than that, espcially since me and Ryan usually just fill each others stockings instead of a big gift. So I thought I'd make my own stockings - I did it before, I'll just make them bigger... well I couldn't find any fabric I liked (let alone time to make em.) Then my mom called from Big Lots - 'they have big stockings' she said, 'get em' I said. So here they are:
I know they're HUGE! I'm thinking I'll probably cut a foot off the top of each of them and add a matching foldover with each of our names (next year when I know what the 4th name is.)


Kyle, Deanne, Lauren, Gracie, Isabel, and Sophia said...

If those stockings are as big as Nate, they are the biggest I've ever seen. Isabel wore hers on her foot, and couldn't understand why I hung it on the wall.

-TP said...

Big stockings rule.

Carrie said...

Those are so freaking fantastic! I love stocking time!! Christmas is my favorite!

Stef said...

Those are the coolest ever!