Here's the fam at this year's Camp-Out (minus about 200 church family members that were also there!)

Odette had this rad hammock out in front of her cabin and freely let all the kids run amuck on it! They loved it!

Nate playing his favorite new game with Ewan: Star Wars Guess Who

Ewan and Nate using the force!

Zachy on a make-shift tree swing (I think this was also Odette's)

With 2 bike riders in the family now (well 4 total I guess) We did ALOT of bike riding.

Heading out with Papa to go crawdad hunting in the nasty "under the overpass" nastiness.

Little brothers using the force!

Getting some Papa love and eating a smore, 1 component at a time

Nate goes for the traditional smore sandwich

Going cruisin with Uncle Joel:

Going cruisin with Auntie Becky and the dogs:

A little Star Wars Go Fish action:

Ok so on the last morning all the kids were playing with long balloons and making animals and crazy hats and stuff. Nate was copying the big boys with the balloon headband and later we saw him wearing part of James' balloon headgear but he chose a different place to wear it...

Hooray for Auntie Dawn taking our kids on those crazy bikes so we didn't have to do any of the pedaling!

We stayed an extra night, what a difference! Sunday night was so calm and peaceful, our boys had the run of the place! We got in 1 last campfire and Smores with The Corbetts!

Sunday day we took a sweet double bike ride to the nearby marina. There were lots of boats around and a little playground to take a break at. Papa got the boys ice creams and boy were they messy!

While daddy packed up the trailer, me and the boys checked out the foliage of the campground