On Tuesday I went with my sis, my mom and a bunch of cool girls from church to see Bride Wars.
It was cute. I laughed out loud and it ended on a happy note which I like. If you dont know the basic plot is 2 best friends who end up scheduling their weddings at the same place, same time. Anyways, in the after-movie-chat the question was raised to the group: "So, where's your maid of honor?"

I never did wedding program "shout outs" before so here they are now: (L to R)
Deanne: You are one of the most giving people I know. In fact I often say that your spiritual gift is "gift-giving." You are always thinking of others and you open up your home so often without even stressing about it (like I totally do) Besides my house, I think I spend more time at your home than anywhere else.
Dawn: I dont even like to let myself think of some of the things you must see at your job. It takes an extra special person to work with sick babies. You have a big heart and have no idea how you get thru a shift with out crying your eyes out, like you did when we saw Young Guns 2.
Jen: (Matron of Honor) You make mothering a family of four kids look easy. I appreciate all the advice you give and the wonderful example of motherhood that you are too me. You always encourage me in all my crazy endeavours and are there by my side supporting me.
Darlene: (Maid of Honor) I think out of the whole fam, your brain is most similarly wired like my brain. We connect on that level. You are wonderfully creative and your creative output shames the rest of us. Basically - you're cool.
Debbie: Talk to Debbie for a few minutes and it's totally apparent that she has a huge heart for others. From mission trips to working to better communities for those in them, she goes the extra mile for others everyday. Deb is gonna change the world.
Tricia: Remember when you were in high school and there was always that 1 kid with the really cool parents? My sister-in-law volunteers with the youth group, opens up her home weekly to the kids, takes her kids to rock shows and she's hot! I really hope when I have teenagers that I'm as hip as she is.
Damn, I'm lucky to be related to these girls.
So, where's your maid of honor?
Well, I get to poke my maid of Honor every day! :) Ha... Erin is and probably will always be in my life...
First off, that movie was way cute. First adult movie I've seen in the theater since before Eric was born in '03!!
My maid of honor (Des) is in Victorville. Don't see her much right now due to both of our school, work, and kid schedules. But we talk when we can . . . still my oldest friend and part of the family. Oh and our kids might just get married some day :).
My maid/matron of honor were my sisters. So, they'll always be in my life. But I am lucky to say that I'm close to all my maids and I'm not even related to the rest! I just have cool friends like that. :)
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