Tuesday was Nate's first trip to the dentist. I got some advice to talk to him about how the dentist was going to look at his teeth and count his teeth and "tickle" his teeth and to NOT saying things like "the dentist wont hurt you" or "the dentist wont give you a shot" cuz that just puts scary thoughts in their heads. So that's what we did and the experience was... awesome! Nate did SO GOOD! Rarely do I have the chance to brag on how friendly and cute and polite N8 is. He let them take the x-rays, clean his teeth and even scrap build-up off a few teeth up front! He was in charge of the suction straw and loved suctioning every time the dentist asked him too (and a few x-tra times when she wasnt ready) One funny thing he kept doing was every time the dentist asked him to move a certain way or do something, she would say "thank you" and he would have to answer "you're welcome" even while she still had her instruments in his mouth - many times it came out a garbled "oo elcom." Nate had no cavities and good news for his "monster tooth" as I call it. When he was teething, his front left 2 teeth came out as 1 tooth leaving a large gap in the middle of the top row so we were always worried his adult teeth would do the same but in the x-ray there are 2 regular teeth there just waiting to come down - yea! Here's video of our perfect little patient, listen close and you might catch a "oo elcom" And check out Zachy on the go: Usually he gets PISSED OFF when he runs into something and cant continue. This time he wanted my camera but it's kinda funny to see such a little cute guy get so mad!
What dentist do you go to? Kait's been a couple times and I wasn't happy with the dental tech this last time. She wasn't "kid-friendly" and I had to go "mama bear" on her at one point. Sooo... I'm looking for a new dentist for her. :)
Who ever gave you that advice ... wow...t hat was smart! I NEVER would have thought of that! I will have to do that with Hunt... he hasnt gone yet :)
What dentist do you go to? Kait's been a couple times and I wasn't happy with the dental tech this last time. She wasn't "kid-friendly" and I had to go "mama bear" on her at one point. Sooo... I'm looking for a new dentist for her. :)
Wow! I'm impressed Great job Nate and Jane!
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