Apparently there's a fun "phenomenon" in the blogging realm. It's called a "MeMe."
The Meme Rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
Random Fact 1 - We officially met working at Sears in 1996 but we
actually had freshman English together in 1990 at EHS. We didn't realize it until years later when that new Romeo and Juliet movie with Leonardo DiCaprio came out. We were both talking about how when we saw the original movie at school our english teacher brought a towel to cover the "lovemaking" scene so we could still hear the dialogue but his towel was so thin you could see right thru it. Then we were like "Who was your teacher?" "Mr. Featheringill" "Me too, what period did you have him?" "First" "Me too!"
Random Fact 2 - Ryan strokes his arms when he's asleep. It really freaked me out at first, he sticks 1 arm straight up in the air and slowly strokes it with his fingers on his other hand, then switches.
Random Fact 3 - We have 599 fonts on our computer. I'm totally font obsessed. My newest font is called "Pot Roaster". Get your own copy here:
fonts101.comRandom Fact 4 - There is a lightning rod on our house.
We didn't put it there, we have no idea how it got there, but it's there.
Random Fact 5 - Jane sits with her legs tucked flat. I've done it since I could remember and still normally sit that way if I'm sitting on the ground. It's the most comfortable way for me to sit. Nathan seems to have inherited it.
Random Fact 6 - Jane's middle toes are longer than her big toes.
Random Fact 7 - Ryan can recite the entire Sermon on the Mount
Random Fact 8 - My newest material possession is my "Mother's Ring." I love it! Technically I guess this is a "Family Ring" since I put Ryan's birthstone on it as well. I say it's "My 3 Boys Ring." Ryan is the top: September/Sapphire, then Nate December/Blue Topaz, then Zach May/Emerald.
The 8 people I tagged:
Jen Reynolds - this will be a new teaching opportunity :)
Jeska White - My OG blog buddy, I learned from the best
Becky Johnson - I will not rest until all have heard the driveway story!
Nicole Leonard - I miss you
Jenn Corbett - Let's see how Luke affects your list
Traci Giles - We gots ta spread it to the East Coast
Jamie Vanderpool - Cuz I crack up at everything you blog
Allison Powell - one word: wheelchair